
Тiny Оrрhаnеd Kittеn Rеsсuеd Just In Тimе Shоws Нis Rеsсuеrs Inсrеdiblе Fighting Sрirit

Thanks to the compassion of many kind-hearted individuals and dedicated cat rеscuе organizations, аbаndоned and vulnerable cats and kittens continue to find hope and a chance at life.

In one remarkable story, a tiny newborn kitten miraculously got rеscuеd in the nick of time. The little gray kitten was found in a garage as the only survivor of his litter, left to face the world alone.

He was so small, wobbly, crying for help, and what breaks our hearts the most, his mother never came back for him.

a gray cat is lying on a blanket

Upon seeing that the kitten was in desperate need of help, volunteers of Coastal Bend Cat Rescue from Texas rushed to sаvе him.

This tiny soul was not just small and frail; he was also infested with fleas and covered in filth. Mary Huckabee, an officer with CBCR, described the initial encounter, saying:

“He was the size of a one-week-old kitten, even though he was nearly twice that age based on other age markers.”

the woman is holding a fluffy kitten in her hand

Despite everything this kitten had been through, the volunteers were determined to help and give him a fighting chance. That’s when another CBCR officer, Dorella stepped forward to take him under her wing. She recalled:

“He was dehydrated and his body score was very poor. I didn’t think he could survive. We had to bring his body temperature up slowly, meaning hourly feedings of very small increments.”

a kitten wrapped in a colorful towel
Credit: coastalbendcats

The fact that this kitten was the only survivor of his litter, proved that he was a fighter already, and he just kept fighting his battle. Dorella added:

“He was a fighter from the moment I got him. He was moving and crying and had the strongest instinct to live.”

With round-the-clock care and unwavering dedication, there was hope that this kitten’s condition would take a turn for the better, transforming him into a playful, thriving kitten.

the cat drinks milk from the bottle
Credit: coastalbendcats

Miraculously, his appetite grew, and he began eating heartily. After two weeks of intensive care, he had finally reached a healthy weight. Dorella affectionately remarked:

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