Тhis Саt’s Рrеviоus Оwnеr Dееmеd Неr Ugly, Wаtсh Ноw Sресiаl Shе Is Nоw
Over the years I’ve spent volunteering at various shelters in my local community, I’ve seen many аbаndоned cats for reasons that made me completely livid. This story is somewhat similar, however there is a happy outcome after all.
Lori Farris is a special education teacher, who visits her students in their homes every day. One day, while she was leaving her student’s house something tiny caught her attention.
A small dilute calico kitten was sitting in the front yard, waiting for someone to notice her. It seemed the kitten was аbаndоned on the streets, left to fend for herself.
Lori briefly petted her tiny head and continued on her way. However, the kitten decided street life was not fun at all, so she followed Lori to her car, hoping to get more than just a brief petting.