Mаn Sаvеs А Nеwbоrn Kittеn Frоm Тhе Rооf Оf А Shеd Аftеr Mаmа Саt Аbаndоnеd Нim
adminAugust 20, 2024
0 0 1 minute read
Whenever you tell yourself you’re a dog person the universe will find a way to prove you wrong. Trust me, I’ve been there.
Meet Ray Vargas, an artist from California. Ray was considering himself a ‘dog person’pretty much all his life.
However, a rainy cold night changed everything for Ray. He was in his bedroom when he heard a cry for help. Ray immediately took it upon himself to figure out where the sound was coming from.
Hediscovered a newborn gray kitten right on the roof of his shed. Unfortunately, mama cat was nowhere to be found… It seemed likе she аbаndоnedhim.