
Strаy Саt Вrings Неr Kittеns tо thе Оnly Нumаn Тhаt Неlреd Неr

Lisianne lives in Canada and one day when she was out in her garden a fluffy stray cat wandered in.

The kitty looked lonely and hungry, so she decided to put out some water and food.

This kind act was the start of their friendship, Lisianne was becoming rather fond of this stray cat so she named her Usagi.


She continued caring for Usagi every time she appeared in her garden and this routine gave the kitty confidence to come back often for food and affection.

After a while she noticed that Usagi was getting bigger, of course it wasn’t because of the food, her feline friend was pregnant.

This stray cat must of found another place to give birth to her kittens, but she continued to visit Lisianne’s for food and of course to say hello.


But it wasn’t long before she appeared one day on Lisianne’s porch with one of her tiny kittens.

Then another, then another, until all six kittens were there, she had decided that Lisianne’s was a safe place to bring her family.


Lisianne, being an absolute angel, decided to help out this stray cat family further by making space in one of the rooms in her house.

Five of the kittens were identical fluffy black copies of their mom!

usagi kittens

Later on she reached out to her friends at Chatons Orphelins Montréal for some help.

It was not a moment too soon as all of the young kittens were suffering from breathing issues and conjunctivitis.


All of her kittens except one, were under the care of Celine, a foster mom and carer at Chatons Orphelins Montréal.

A close friend of Lisianne had already decided to adopt the tabby kitten.

That left 3 females and they were named Taylor, Tynie, and Tyana.


All beautiful and fluffy…

3 girls

And there were 2 males named Tales and Tito.


And just likе their sisters they were also beautiful and fluffy!

2 boys

Lisianne realized that she didn’t want to lose the friendship of Usagi and decided to have her sterilized and adopt her.

We spoke to Celine and she told us that all of Usagi’s kittens were recovering well, and it won’t be long until they are also put up for adoption.


Of course, they all have their different personalities.

Tyana comes across as being more mature than her siblings.

“She’s very sweet and cuddly,” Celine shаrеd with We Love Cats and Kittens.

“And she always likеs to see what’s going on before joining in the fun – watching and observing with her big yellow eyes.”


Tynie may be the smallest of the bunch,  but she’s the most mischievous!

Like most kittens she’s playful, but also very courageous and adventurous because she likеs to know what’s going on and is often seen climbing up on things to get a better view.

Celine says: “She’s a little purring machine that loves to be petted, especially her belly!”


Their sister Taylor is very chatty and loves to play with all the other cats in the household.

She loves to chase balls and is especially close to her brother Tales.

Tales et Taylor 2

Now Tales is the most mischievous of the bunch.

He’s very energetic, but also affectionate and likеs to follow Celine around the house in the hope that it’s time for food!

Tales et Taylor

It was discovered early on that Tito has a deformity in his paw, x-rays showed he was missing a bone in his front leg.

Sadly there was no way of fixing this and he may have problems later in his life.

tito 2

But that doesn’t stop him being playful!

He also has a crooked tail and although Celine calls him the evil one, he is very affectionate and often loves falls asleep in her arms.


When this delightful family were three months old, it was time for them to go to the clinic and get their vaccines in preparation to put them up for adoption.

And at four months old they were all adopted!

Taylor and Tales were adopted together, and Tynie, Tyana, and Tito each found their loving forever homes.

usagi family

Watch the video below to see their progress:

A big thank you to Celine for sharing their story with us.

And to Lisianne, the good fairy who sаvеd their lives.

Many thanks to Tito’s benefactors for their support with his veterinary care.

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