
Саt Fоllоws Нis Nеw Fаmily frоm Rооm tо Rооm, Guаrding Тhеm Аftеr Mаny Lоnеly Yеаrs Оutsidе

A cat follows his family from room to room, guarding them after many years of living as a lonesome stray.

tabby cat snuggles


A hungry tabby cat wandered into a yard, scrounging around for food. Kristin, a vet tech, noticed him stumble into her property and knew she had to help.

While living outdoors, the cat was often antagonized by other strays and had to fight daily for survival. He had a few battle scars and wounds from brawls with the neighborhood cats.

Despite being ostracized by the colony, he didn’t have a mean bone in his body and was surprisingly friendly and sweet towards people.

snuggly friendly cat


Kristin was able to bring him into the vet’s office and get him treated and cared for.

Once the tabby realized he was safe, he greeted the staff with head snuggles and serenaded them with rumbling purrs. It was clear that he didn’t belong on the streets and needed a foster home where he could continue healing and socialize.

happy tabby cat couch


Kristin contacted her local animal rеscuе, Community Cat Club (in South Jersey), and asked if they could give the tabby a soft landing. Volunteers leaped into action and found placement for the deserving cat named Bubba (or Booba).

Booba was around five years old and FIV+, unsurprisingly, after having fought for his life outdoors for years. He adored every person he met and didn’t mind friendly cats or dogs that gave him his personal space.

happy smiley tabby cat

Booba is so happy to be a house catCommunityCatClub

He longed for a comfortable home and a family who would shower him with the same devotion he was ready to give.

One endearing quality that his foster family quickly discovered was his penchant for company. He was content to have a roof over his head, meals to fill his belly, and loving humans to remind him that he was adored.

cuddly tabby cat

He loves company and wants to cuddle with his people all the timeCommunityCatClub

He began trailing behind his foster parents everywhere around the house, watching over them and being their most dedicated “supervisor.”

In the morning, they woke up to Booba cuddling and purring loudly beside them. During the day, he sidled onto the couch, contoured his body to his people, and nestled into the crook of their elbow.

cuddly cat tabby, real men love cats


Booba weaved his way into their hearts, one purr and cuddle at a time. About one month into foster care, they decided to make him a permanent part of their family.

“Bubba is doing so well being a house cat. We call him Booba as a nickname, and he responds to it, so he must likе it. When anyone is home, he will follow you room by room, chatting about what you are doing,” Booba’s adopters shаrеd.

tabby lap cat sweet

Couch time equals lap timeCommunityCatClub

“He’s so friendly when it comes to guests. He loves to bird watch and loves treats. He is a great joy to have in our home and our lives.”

When his human dad is in the kitchen, Booba stands between his legs likе a bodyguard. He follows him to the couch so he can curl up next to him or wriggle into his arm.

cat bodyguard kitchen

Booba is his dad’s little bodyguardCommunityCatClub

“He has been a light in our home. He’s always ready to snuggle; he’s silly and loves company. He’s so good being around people and loves his parents.”

happy leg up cat


Booba is now six years old, living his best life with his loving humans, and running the house likе a true king.

cat window watching

When he’s not cuddling with his people, he’s bird watchingCommunityCatClub

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